Book art by (left to right): Suzanne Moore, Stars in Your Bones, Barbara Tetenbaum, Object Lessons

Book art by (left to right): Suzanne Moore, Stars in Your Bones, Barbara Tetenbaum, Object Lessons



Panel Speaker. “Spirit Compass,” exhibition featuring books and works on paper by Robin Price. Bromer Gallery, Boston.


Presenter and Moderator. “The CODEX Effect and the Emergence of the Third Stream in 21st Century America,” symposium in recognition of the work of Peter Koch and his vision for the CODEX Book Fair and Symposium. The Grolier Club, New York. 


Presenter. “A Contained Narrative of Unconstrained Voice: Craftivism, Amos Paul Kennedy, and a Future for the Book Arts.” Presented paper at College Book Art Association conference, University of the Arts, Philadelphia.


Presenter. “Second Skin: The Inhabited Stories of Amara Hark-Weber.” Presented paper at College Book Art Association conference, Nashville, Tennessee. 


Panel Speaker. “Making and Keeping Books,” Stanford/CODEX Collegium: “Revealing the Handmade Book; Inventing the Library.” Stanford University, California.

Panel Speaker. Discussed Warren Lehrer’s work on the occasion of his artist residency, University of Minnesota.


Presenter. “The Space in Between: Regula Russelle’s Honoring of the Private in ‘Making Public.’” Presented paper at College Book Art Association conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. 


Presenter. “From Visceral to Virtual: Ken Campbell’s Wall.” Presented paper at College Book Art Association conference, San Francisco Bay Area. 

Presenter. “Inhabiting the Edge while Remembering the Body in Digital Artists’ Books.” Presented paper at “Transforming Creation,” an international working session, Tate Britain.

Panel Speaker. “Sense of Place in Artist Books.” A Site & Incitement Symposium Panel held in conjunction with exhibition at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture.


Presenter. “Material Matters: The Page as Performance.” Presented paper on works of Carolee Campbell and Clemens-Tobias Lange, Book Art Biennial, Minnesota Center for Book Arts.


Presenter. “Work from Home: Gaylord Schanilec’s Pastoral Wunderkammern.” Presented paper at College Book Art Association conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.


Presenter and Moderator. “Phoenix at the Press.” Presented paper and moderated panel, “Risk and Renewal in Letterpress,” at College Book Art Association’s inaugural conference, University of Iowa-Iowa City. 

Panel Speaker. “Thinking through Craft, Art, & Letterpress.” “The Hybrid Book: Intersection + Intermedia,” conference at The University of the Arts, Philadelphia. 


Panel Speaker and Moderator. “Artists’ Books and Book Arts,” plenary panel, SHARP conference (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing). With Harriet Bart, Ruth Rogers, Gaylord Schanilec, Kathy Walkup. Open Book, Minneapolis.

Panel Speaker. “23 Covered Bridges: Book Arts in the Landscape of Contemporary Art,” MCBA Symposium. With Fred Hagstrom, Karen Hanmer, Susan Hensel, Jeff Rathermel (moderator).

Presenter. “Stéphane Mallarmé’s Un Coup de Dés.” Two presentations on Mallarmé’s influence from mid-century to present. Other participants: Johanna Drucker, Judd Hubert, Clifton Meador, Rosemary Waldrop. Scripps College, California.

Presenter. “Clifton Meador’s Memory Lapse and The Nameless Dead: In[ter]ventions of the Travel Memoir.” Presented paper at College Art Association conference, New York.


Presenter. “Philadelphia 1964: A Premonition of Transgressive Readings.” Presented paper at the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) conference, Williamsburg, Virginia. 


Panel Chair. “Book Arts 2000 and Beyond,” collegiate book arts educators conference panel: “Toward Theory: What Concepts are Evolving as the Book Arts Mature?” With Inge Bruggeman, Gary Frost, Susan King, Karen Wirth, Phil Zimmermann, at University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa. 


Panel Speaker. “The Future of the Image in Publication” panel, MONTAGE: International Festival of the Image conference, Rochester, New York. 


Presenter. “Ut Architectura Libri: The Book as Architecture.” Presented paper at “The Art of the Contemporary Book” conference, The Ohio State University-Columbus.


Panel Speaker. “Book Arts in the USA.” Represented MCBA on two panels at national book arts conference, Center for Book Arts, New York


Lecture. “How to Read Artists’ Books.” Co-presenter with Ruth Rogers, at Valley Book Fest, Northampton, Massachusetts.


Keynote Speaker. “Past in Present: The Book’s Evolving Persona,” The Annual James Ford Bell Lecture, the University of Minnesota, at Open Book, Minneapolis.


Keynote speaker. “History as Fable, Helix and Aperture.” American Printing History Association annual conference, held at the Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, D.C. (see also under Publications


Lecturer. “Letting Vision Find its Way: From Yesterday until Tomorrow, at The Press at Colorado College.” Press Fest commemorating the 30th anniversary of The Press at Colorado College, Colorado Springs.

Lecturer. “Altered Books, Past in Present,” lecture on the occasion of the exhibition, co-sponsored by the Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library.


Lecturer. “Sacred Texts / Contemporary Forms: Spiritual Traditions in the Digital Age,” talk in conjunction with exhibition, at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.


Keynote speaker. “To Have and to Hold: Why We Need Book Art,” at “ABC: The Artists’ Book Conference,” Wellesley College, Massachusetts. (see also under Publications


Lecturer. “Artists’ Books: Volumes of Possibilities,” Colleagues of Calligraphy, Minnesota.


Keynote speaker. “Traces of Utterance: From Artist’s Book to eBook.” Academic and Research Librarians Division, Minnesota Library Association.

Lecturer. “Past in Present: The Book Arts Phenomenon,” Minnesota Center for Book Arts, sponsored by the Minnesota Humanities Commission, at Open Book, Minneapolis.


Lecturer. “Sanctuary and Release: A Celebration of the Books of Jim Trissel,” Pyramid Atlantic Sixth Book Arts Fair, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.


Round Table Participant. Discussion on critical issues of education, sponsored by London’s Camberwell College, at Mills College, Oakland.


Lecturer. “The Best of the Book Arts, from a Decade’s Perspective,” at MCBA, tenth anniversary celebration. Also presented later that year at the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Los Angeles.

Lecturer. “Harbinger for the Year 2000: Vulnerability, Change and the Artist’s Book.” University of Iowa- Iowa City. Book Arts Club. 

Lecturer. “Technology and Form: Artists’ Books and the Machine.” Ampersand Club, Minneapolis. 

Gallery Talk. Off the Shelf and On-line, at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, host site for MCBA touring exhibition.



Instructor. Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont, collaborative class for studio art and poetry students, with writer J.P. White and faculty members Neil Shepard and Ken Leslie. 


Instructor. “The Book Artist as Storyteller,” Frederic W. Goudy Workshop, Scripps College, California.


Instructor. Compleat Scholar Program, University of Minnesota. “Uncovering the Art of the Book,” team-taught with a sculptor, a printer, and the librarian of Walker Art Center. 

Adjunct Faculty. Minneapolis College of Art and Design. “Narrative Space in Artists’ Books.” Art History-Humanities course.


Instructor. Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA). Designed and team-taught class, “Color, Light and Poetry: Color Copier Books,” with a painter, a poet and a binder, in conjunction with Clare Forster exhibition.