Grant Writing

Photo courtesy of MCBA

Photo courtesy of MCBA

Kent Aldrich printing keepsake at MCBA, photo B. Bright

Kent Aldrich printing keepsake at MCBA, photo B. Bright

Student printing during MCBA workshop, photo B. Bright

Student printing during MCBA workshop, photo B. Bright

Book art continues to expand as a recognized pursuit in higher education and in non-profit arts and educational organizations. Continuing growth in book art has increased a need for funding and collections support.

Advocacy informs and invigorates all of my writing. In the funding arena, I craft grant proposals in a concise yet evocative voice to convey an organization’s guiding vision and its impact on the people it serves.

In addition to the many grants I wrote for Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) while on staff from 1984 to 1993, I served as MCBA’s independent grant-writer from 2012 through 2015. In that period my grants raised over $700,000, which in turn helped this amazing organization affect thousands of lives.