Background artwork by Ruth Fine, for Four Months / Four Seasons (Janus Press)

Background artwork by Ruth Fine, for Four Months / Four Seasons (Janus Press)



Monograph Essay. Lines of Force: The Hand, The Book, & the Body Electric. CODE(X)+1, Monograph Number 14, published by The CODEX Foundation.


Chapter. “Handwork and Hybrids: Contemporary Book Art,” in Extra/ordinary: Craft Culture and Contemporary Art, ed. Maria Elena Buszek. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 


Book. No Longer Innocent: Book Art in America, 1960 to 1980. New York: Granary Books. The first comprehensive history of book art in America.

Monograph Essay. “To Have and To Hold: Why We Need Book Art,” in ABC: The Artists’ Books Conference at Wellesley College, the jenny-press, New Haven, CT.



Catalogue Essay. For Reclamation: Artists’ Books on the Environment, in conjunction with a juried exhibition for San Francisco Center for the Book, with a concurrent showing site at San Francisco Public Library.

Essays. For Materialia Lumina, to be published by Stanford University and The Codex Foundation in 2021. Essays on five artists and one artist collective, as well as discussions of their books shown at CODEX Book Fairs, that were purchased by Stanford University Special Collections Library. 


Essay. “MCBA Prize 2020: Traverse the Starry Vault,” to be published in The CODEX Papers, Volume Three, in 2021. Written on the occasion of jurying the sixth MCBA Prize, which also celebrates MCBA’s 35th anniversary.

Catalogue Essay. “Plumb Bob,” in Harriet Bart: Abracadabra and Other Forms of Protection, ed. Laura Wertheim Joseph, Weisman Art Museum.


Article. “StoreHouse,” profile of Claire Van Vliet, featuring her work with paper, in American Craft 75:6 (December/January 2016): 64-71.

Catalogue Essay. “Risk and Resilience: Works by Sas Colby, Betsy Davids & Jaime Robles,” in Sisters of Invention: Forty-five Years of Book Art by Sas Colby, Betsy Davids and Jaime Robles, San Francisco Center for the Book.


Catalogue Essay. “Letterpress in the Second Millennium,” in the catalogue Fine & Dirty: Contemporary Letterpress Art, Minnesota Center for Book Arts.

Keynote Lecture. “History as Fable, Helix and Aperture,” from APHA conference in 2010, published in Printing History: The Journal of the American Printing History Association (New Series Number Eleven, January 2012): 3-29.


Essay. “From Feast to Fault Lines: Charting the Territories of Doug Beube’s Bookworks,” in Doug Beube: Breaking the Codex, Bookwork, Collage and Mixed Media (New York). 


Monograph Essay. “Break-through (Resoluteness): Work by Robin Price,” in Counting on Chance: 25 Years of Artist’s Books by Robin Price, Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. 


Essay. “Page by Page: The Art of Gaylord Schanilec,” in brochure to accompany exhibition at James Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota. 


Essay. “The Press at Colorado College,” in the catalogue, The Press at Colorado College: The Pressroom as Classroom, Colorado College, Colorado Springs.


Essay. “Dialogue: Alchemy of the Word,” catalogue essay on work in a two-person show by Harriet Bart of Minneapolis and Helmut Löhr of Dusseldorf. 


Essay. “Beyond the Illuminated Manuscript: An In-Depth Look at Work by Calligraphic Book Artists Leavitt and Moore,” in Calligraphy Review magazine.


Essay. “Writer as Book Artist: Risk in Three Dimensions,” in The Loft Writers Center newsletter.

Essay. “Artists’ Books: Art’s Least Fragile Vehicle,” in Art Papers, May Issue, Atlanta.  



Review. Fine printer Paulette Myers-Rich’s book, Ghost Poems for the Living, in Parenthesis journal. 


Review. Fine printer Robin Price’s books, in Parenthesis journal. 

Review. Illuminating Letters: Typography and Literary Interpretation, eds. Paul C. Gutjahr and Megan L. Benton, in SHARP News, the publication of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing.


Review. William S. Peterson’s The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris’s Typographical Adventure, for Publishing Research Quarterly.


Review. “Book Arts in the USA: A VHS Video Catalog,” in Hand Papermaking magazine.



Interview. Artist Betsy Davids at the University of Arizona-Tucson, to mark the founding the College Book Art Association. 


Interview. Conducted by Patrick Masterson at the University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, taped during a Book Arts Educators Meeting, discussing the writing of No Longer Innocent: Book Arts in America, 1960 – 1980.